"10% discount for first-time buyers through the app and upgrading the apps capabilities.".Hi, nice to meet you, this is Harel. In our new application, you buy travel insurance and get everythingBuying money back, which will reduce the price of insurance on the next trip. So called, more passengers earn more. Hotzmaza, this is about Harels travel insurance, which means a strong back from the leading health insurance company in Israel.What else is special about our insurance and travel app?need a doctor She will locate a doctor and medical center for you abroad.On the way to the doctor? She will transfer $300 before you even arrive using her sister, the payment app bitDid it happen and should the treatment be continued in Israel? No problem, you have HarelIs the suitcase lost? She will transfer $155 to ease the heartbreak, also via bitDo you need to extend the time abroad? She knows how to do that as well and in general manage the policyDid it happen and you need to file a claim? She is incredibly friendly